Energy Fields and Healing

Energy fields affect us physically from radiation and yet we have our own energy field that affects our environment. What do energy fields have to do with living?

Our need and want to have the latest and greatest gadgets could possibly be putting our very health and lives at risk. High risk electromagnetic fields are used for electroshock to put our hearts back into rhythm. Radiation, which is produced by huge machine using lots of electricity. We use it to treat cancers. Nuclear radiation is also a source of EMF. Low risk fields are more in use. They are in almost every home and office.

On a physical level, Increased levels of EMF and other electronic signals, such as those used in today’s mobile applications may cause a variety of symptoms. These include the following:

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • restlessness and anxiety

The eternal part of us is the human spirit. This comes from the Hebrew word- “ruach”. Just like the Holy Spirit is Ruach HaKodesh. Did you know the bible mentions the spirit in many Psalms? The soul in Hebrew is naphesh which includes the mind and body. The heart or “lev” holds the concept of the English understanding of soul. The heart holds the will, motivation, emotions, and identity of a person.

There are seven major portions of our spirit within your body, with each serving a purpose, yet being all interconnected. Romans 12: 6-8 speaks of seven gifts: Prophet, servant, teacher, exhorter, giver, ruler, and mercy. These gifts are also names of each portion of our spirit. This pattern of sevens in scripture describes characteristics of each spirit portion and creates a personality picture. Consequently, each portion of the spirit is an integral part of our personality.

Connecting with your spirit improves the quality of your life spiritually and enriches your physical senses. Firstly, Here is a free introduction to these gifts- called the redemptive gifts. Understanding the redemptive gift picture created by the patterns of seven is an incredible way to get to know yourself and others!

Redemptive Gifts

The gifts listed in Romans 12:6-8 are called the Redemptive Gifts. This gift describes your natural inclination or identity. The collaboration of the sevens in Scripture paint a picture of each gift:

  • the seven days of creation ( Gen 1-2)
  • the seven furnishings in the Tabernacle
  • the seven names of YHWH in the Torah- Old Testament
  • the seven last words of Yahusha- Jesus on the cross
  • the seven letters to the churches (Revelation 1-3)

Below are the list of gifts and a basic description:

Prophetstrength | understanding the design principle- weakness | too black/white, can’t get justice

Servant- strength | understanding authority- weakness | not valuing their own work or minimizing their self

Teacher- strength | understanding responsibility- weakness | being too rigid with ideas

Exhorter- strength | understanding reality- weakness | not breaking out of comfort to grow

Giver- strength | understanding stewardship through giving- weakness | control and stinginess

Ruler strength | understanding freedom- weakness | being manipulative

Mercy- strength | seeing the value in a person & benefit of being merciful- weakness | self-gratification & taking the easy road

Everything in the universe is energy with its own vibration frequency. When our spirit is in balance, our lives are in complete harmony and our health is good. If a portion of our spirit becomes blocked and exposed to negative energy, we can experience emotional distress and disease. When we heal and maintain our spirit’s health, we actually heal issues that may come up before they manifest in the physical body.

Symptoms of illness of disease are the state you are in the present moment. They are a consequence of the past but do not forecast your future. Emotions are also energy that follows the same principle. When you feel angry or sad, it may seem like it will always be like this, which intensifies the pain.

However we are created to heal and grow. that is the constant to focus on. My pain today is not the same as it was yesterday or what it will be tomorrow. The challenges I have today is not going to be the same as it was yesterday. Therefore, my future can improve. My body can heal.

When we have trouble seeing the vision of healing and hope through hard times, it is difficult to move forward into healing. Connecting with our spirit is the avenue for perfect healing. The spirit connects to Yahusha-Jesus and Holy Spirit. Through our spirit the amazing provision of the Father- YHWH comes into our being.

The Presence of YHWH is the ultimate energy field. Through relationship with Yahusha-Jesus, we have access to the highest level and unsurpassed amount of life energy. As stated in Ephesians 3:20, “And to Him who is able to do exceedingly above what we ask or think, according to the power that is working in us”.

In our journey find the way of shalom-peace in our lives, there can be obstacles. Sometimes we face issues that are bigger than what we can face by ourselves. Its important to reach out for help. Whether that is just a shoulder to cry on or professional advice. Kelly is here to listen and counsel you as you walk through the times of in-between. The times when you have questions and and are not getting the answers you need. For a free 30 minute consultation, contact Kelly for guidance in your healing journey.

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